MCF Sunrise continues with the special line of credit – Choose your own length of a grace period! MCF Sunrise is always here for you!

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MCF Sunrise continues with the special line of credit for improving liquidity of natural and legal entities. All special offers from this line of credit may be used until 28.02.2021.

Take advantage of the grace period for micro-entrepreneurship, agriculture, or consumer loans. Determine the length of the grace period by yourself, and during that time pay only the interest, with the support of MCF SUNRISE. 

Challenges in business or living conditions, modernization of existing means of work, or additional investment in agricultural and business potentials, are just some of the reasons where MCF SUNRISE will support you. 

Improve your business liquidity, increase household income by exploiting agricultural potential, or simply reduce the cost of living. 

 Microcredit Foundation SUNRISE is always there for you with special benefits. 

 A special line of loans to improve the liquidity of individuals and legal entities can be used until 28.02.2021. Determine the length of payment of the grace period for the period that suits you, and during that time pay only the cost of interest, noting that the length of the grace period can be determined no later than April 30, 2021.

For more detailed information and inquiries, you can visit our nearest branch, fill out an online application for loans:, contact us in the inbox of the page on Facebook:, apply for the contact form at the following link: 🌐http: // or call us on the free info line: 0800 30 565 and we will come to you! 

See the list of branches here: ➡️


Your MCF Sunrise