Microfinance Center, an international organization that promotes international standards of customer protection and financial education, has published the reports on October -”Wise to Credit!” Campaign in 2021, and according to the official report, out of 13 participating countries, MCF SUNRISE is one of the top 3 participants who educated the most people.
Microcredit Foundation Sunrise is committed to a transparent and socially responsible business, and we are pleased that we have helped and financially educated a large number of current and potential clients through the campaign in a way so that they are presented with a campaign and questions they need to ask themselves to make sure they take the amount of loans that they can repay without debt, and the items they must pay attention to when making a loan decision.
The trust that our clients feel through their cooperation with MCF SUNRISE is what we are most proud of and we strive to maintain it and provide our clients with the best service, through continuous education and timely information promoted by our loan officers across BiH.
The whole MFC report is available using the following link: https://mfc.org.pl/borrow-wisely-campaign-2021-overview/?fbclid=IwAR3kqFptMbMMEdzEaNUWFK9kjArUoCd2Ft7luztB96Y-pMbOFS_itnaUCdI
MCF SUNRISE- because we make opportunties grow!