The Association “Give Us a Chance” is a non-profit, non-governmental, altruistic organization founded by the parents of children with difficulties in development. The idea of establishing this association came from personal effort of parents to make our society a more pleasant living place for the families of children with developmental disabilities. Having learnt from personal experience, they realized that the main problem is that the society treats children with disabilities are regular kids, not taking into account their individual abilities, i.e. the level and type of disability. Children with disabilities are by default classified in the government departments who deal with social work, and therefore very little in effort is made to engage these kids in education. Aware of the facts that in spite of the lack of development of awareness and lack of organized social systems and responsibilities, the Microcredit Foundation Sunrise has decided to give scholarships to members of this association, and thus symbolically support the establishment of a more efficient and more equitable education system, as well as living conditions, status and social position of children and persons with difficulties in development.