From Octobar 2021 MFC SUNRISE announced the official launch of the BORROW WISELY! campaign – a one month educational campaign aimed mainly at current and potential clients. The campaign is organised under the auspices of the Microfinance Centre – an international organisation which promotes international customer protection standards and financial education. The campaign will run in fourteen countries, including Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldavia, Montenergro, Romania, Serbia & Tajikistan.
The BORROW WISELY! campaign draws together a simple checklist of questions which all customers should ask themselves before taking out a loan, in order to ensure they take on safe and responsible levels of debt. Throughout the campaign, which runs throughout October, MFC SUNRISE staff will actively approach existing and potential customers with a wide-ranging information campaign, including posters, leaflets and brochures.
For further information please contact: 0800 30 565
